Source code for scibeam.core.numerical

# ---
# Filename:
# Description:
# Author:    Yu Lu
# Email:
# Github:
# Created: Tue May  8 23:19:52 2018 (-0500)
# Version:
# Last-Updated: Fri Jul 27 20:52:36 2018 (-0500)
#           By: yulu
#     Update #: 48

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import leastsq, curve_fit
from scipy.fftpack import rfft, irfft
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scibeam.core import base

__all__ = [

[docs]def bandPassFilter(data, tStep = None, lowFreq = 0, highFreq = 1e4): """band pass filter based on fourier transform Filter the noise in time series data with given frequency range. The data has to be in numpy array. If only 1D array is provided, one also needs to provide time step size. If 2D array is provided, the 0th column will be used to calculate time step size, while the 1st column will be treated as the signal value. Parameters ---------- data : numpy array The input time series data. 1d array is treated as the signal value, which requires input parameter tStep to be not None. tStep : float Time step size in seconds of the time series data. If None (default), 0st columns in data will be treated as time and time step size will be extracted from there lowFreq : float Lower bound of the bandpass filter, default 0 Hz highFreq : float Upper bound of the bandpass filter, default 1e4 Hz Note ---- The data has to be uniformly sampled, e.g. same time gap between each data point, all parameters here are supposed to be SI unit. """ if tStep: pass else: try: tStep = data[1, 0] - data[0, 0] except IndexError: print("Time step value needed if provided is a 1D array") raise IndexError yf = rfft(data[:,1]) xf = np.linspace(0, 1 / tStep, len(yf)) for i, z in enumerate(yf): if not lowFreq<= xf[i] < highFreq: yf[i] = 0 iyf = irfft(yf) data[:,1] = iyf return(data)
[docs]def integrate(x = None, y = None, kind = 'numerical', func = None, args = ()): """numerical / functional integration Perform integration on either numerical data or on a function. The numerical intergration is based on given parameter x and y, based on numpy function trap; while the functional integration is based on given function and numpy function quad. Parameters ---------- x : 1D array THe x axis values for numerical data, default None y : 1D array The y axis values for numerical data, default None kind : string Specify the integration method, options are: 'numerical', 'function' default 'numerical' func : function The function to be integrated, default None args arguments for function quad """ if kind == 'numerical': return np.trapz(y, x = x) elif kind == 'function': return quad(func, x, y, args = args)[0]