Source code for scibeam.core.gaussian

# ---
# Filename:
# Description:
#            gaussian analysis and fitting
# Author:    Yu Lu
# Email:
# Github:
# Created: Tue Jun 26 17:18:28 2018 (-0500)
# Version:
# Last-Updated: Wed Aug 22 23:55:01 2018 (-0500)
#           By: yulu
#     Update #: 29

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, leastsq
import warnings

[docs]class Gaussian: """Class for numerical gaussian funciton application A collections of methods for gaussian analysis on the data, such as single gaussian function, single gaussian 1d fitting, double gaussian, double gaussian fitting, etc. """
[docs] @staticmethod def gaus(x, A, x0, sigma, offset = 0): """gaussian function with or without offset General form of a 1D gaussian function, with variable as first parameter and other associate parameters followed. Can be used for fitting or line plotting after fitting is done. The function generally follow the form :: y = A * exp(-(x - x0)^2 / (2 * sigma^2)) + offset (optional) Handles the case with and without offset seperatelly, since for fitting without offset at all one has to force the function to be of not offset. Parameters ---------- x : float variable x in gaussian function A : float Peak value x0 : float Center coordinates sigma : float Standard deviation offset : float overall offset, default 0 """ if offset: return A * np.exp(-(x - x0)**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) + offset else: return A * np.exp(-(x - x0)**2 / (2 * sigma**2))
[docs] @staticmethod def gausFit(x, y, offset = False, plot = False): """Perform gaussian fit on given data Fit data with 1D gausian function :: y = a * exp((x - x0)^2 / (2 * sigma)) + y0(optional) The function generates initial guesses automatically based on given data, the algorithm is based on scipy curve_fit function Parameters ---------- x : array-like X values of the input data y : array-like Y values of the input data offset : bool Wether fit gaussian with offset or not Default False plot : bool Wether plot the fitting result or not Default False Returns ------- array1 Array of optmized best fit data [a, x0, sigma, y0] array2 A 4 x 4 covariant matrix of the corresponding optmized data Raises ------ RuntimeError When optimized parameters not found within max depth of iteration """ # initial guesses idxMax = np.argmax(y) a0 = y[idxMax] x0 = x[idxMax] y0 = np.min(y) halfWidth = x[idxMax + np.argmin(abs(y[idxMax:] - a0 / 2))] - x[idxMax] if offset: try: popt, pcov = curve_fit(Gaussian.gaus, x, y, p0 = [a0, x0, halfWidth, y0]) except RuntimeError: warnings.warn("curve_fit optimal parameters not found, set as nan") popt = np.array([float('NaN')] * 4) pcov = np.ones(4, 4) * float('NaN') else: try: popt, pcov = curve_fit(Gaussian.gaus, x, y, p0 = [a0, x0, halfWidth]) except RuntimeError: warnings.warn("curve_fit optimal parameters not found, set as nan") popt = np.array([float('NaN')] * 3) pcov = np.ones(3, 3) * float('NaN') if plot: plt.plot(x, y, 'o', label = 'raw data') plt.plot(x, Gaussian.gaus(x, *popt), '-', label = 'gauss fit') #------------------------------------------------------------ # leastsq implementation # downside: diagnal elements of pcov doesn't give covariance #------------------------------------------------------------ # if offset: # errorFunc = lambda p, x, y: (gaus(x, y0 = 0, *p) - y) # else: # errorFunc = lambda p, x, y: (gaus(x, *p) - y) # popt, pcov, infodic, mesg, ier = leastsq(errorFunc, [a0, x0, halfWidth], full_output = True, args = (x, y)) # if ier < 0: # raise ValueError("Gaussian fit failed ") return popt, pcov
[docs] @staticmethod def doubleGaus(x, a1, x1, sigma1, a2, x2, sigma2, y0 = 0): """Gaussian function of two independent variables Double gaussian function with offset :: y = a1 * exp((x - x1)^2 / (2 * sigma1^2) + a2 * exp((x - x2)^2 / (2 * sigma2^2)) Parameters ---------- x : float Input variable for the double gaussian function a1 : float Amplitude of the first gaussian variable peak x1 : float Peak center for the first variable gaussian peak sigma1 : float Sigma vlaues for the two gaussian peaks a2 : float Amplitude of the second gaussian variable peak a2 : float Amplitude of the first gaussian variable peak x2 : float Peak center for the first variable gaussian peak sigma2 : float Sigma vlaues for the two gaussian peaks y0 : float Y offset, optional, default y0 = 0 Returns ------- Numerical value of the double gaussian function """ return a1 * np.exp(-(x - x1)**2/(2 * sigma1**2)) + a2 * np.exp(-(x - x2)**2 / (2 * sigma2 **2)) + y0
[docs] @staticmethod def doubleGausFit(x, y, guessPara, offset = False): """Two independent variable gaussian fitting Fit the data with a double gaussian function base on given x, y data and initial guess parameters. Unlike the 1D gaussian fitting function, one hase to provide initial guess parameters to make sure optimal parameters could be found. The fitting method is based on least square method, fitted parameters and their covariance matrix is returned. Parameters ---------- x : 1D array Input data x value y : 1D array Input data y value guessPara: array-like Initial guess parameter list[a1, x1, sigma1, a2, x2, sigma2, y0] Returns ------- array1 Fitted parameter array [a1, x1, simga1, a2, x2, simga1] array2 Cnveriance matrix of fitted parameters """ if offset: errorFunc = lambda p, x, y: (Gaussian2D.doubleGaus(x, *p) - y) else: errorFunc = lambda p, x, y: (Gaussian2d.doubleGaus(x, y0 = 0, *p) - y) popt, pcov, infodic, mesg, ier= leastsq(errorFunc, guessPara, full_output= True ,args = (x, y)) if ier < 0: raise ValueError("[*] Double gauss fit failed! ") return popt, pcov